Dar es Salaam. The National Electoral Commission has today said it will stick to the High Court ruling that outlawed deploying district executive officers as Returning officers in elections.
NEC chairman Semistocles Kaijage told reporters today in Dar es Salaam that the Electoral Commission will not use city directors, municipal directors,town directors and district executive directors as Returning officers in future elections as long as the status quo of the court ruling still stands.
NEC chairman Semistocles Kaijage told reporters today in Dar es Salaam that the Electoral Commission will not use city directors, municipal directors,town directors and district executive directors as Returning officers in future elections as long as the status quo of the court ruling still stands.
Tanzania is expected to hold General Election in October 2020.
"A case was filed against specific sections of the National Elections Act 2015 and the court's ruling was on those specific sections of the law, the ruling was not on the entire law. And as such we plan to adhere to the court's ruling," judge Kaijage noted.
The High Court on May 10 this year said sections 7(1) and 7(3) were unconstitutional. Section 7(1) says; "...every city director, municipal director, town director and district executive director shall be a returning officer for the purposes of conducting an election
in a constituency and such returning officer may be for more than one constituency."
Section 7(3) also enables NEC to appoint any person holding a public office ‘by name or by office to be a returning officer’.
Section 7(3) also enables NEC to appoint any person holding a public office ‘by name or by office to be a returning officer’.
Both sections have been deemed unconstitutional.
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